Linxworksmanager --------> .net utility for map data ----------> Equipment Journal
Our .net utility work like a bridge between Linxwork and Equipment Journal. In Linxworks site dealer add and manage their equipments. Linxworks also export equipment data as xml format our utility use that xml file and map with Equipment Journal site (insert into dnn database)
We import records from xml file by the “EquipmentJournalImport.exe” we are receiving that xml file from url or specified path from linxworks. This utility read xml file and go through each equipment for each equipment first it check current equipment exist in Equipment Journal site or not if present that update it else add it. Utility also manage a log file that show how many records added and updated in database. For easy configuration utility use a config.xml file where log file path, database connection string, debug flag and xml file path or url path are set.